“What is now proved was once only imagined”…..William Blake.

We obviously must first be able to imagine whatever personality or achievement we want to have in future. We can place anything that we want to place in our imagination, independent of what anyone says about it, what our senses tell about it and independent of all the evidences that may be to the contrary.

If you are able to harness a greater ability of mindfulness, you will be able to exert greater effect in our life and surrounding. And the image that we see could literally be the template. The driving force, the handmade into all of this is an ELEVETED emotion.

We feel so empowered once we recognize the power that we have in our imagination. We become more energy than matter, experience awe before the mystical moment and function as quantum mind.

In that determined assumption, we and our infinite being, our extraordinary self, are merged in creative unity and with the infinite being – God.

We are a spark that can grow until we recognize that we are truly divine being. We become a magnet to attract people, talent and resources.

There is an African proverb that reads, ‘when there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm’. When we refuse to allow any doubts in our mind, no doubt from others will ever cloud our judgment. When we create a strong mind, there can be no other that can defeat us with their words or with their judgments. When we believe in ourselves, we need no other to believe in you.

Attitude is everything in life. Our attitude determines our altitude. With ordinary talents and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.

The lives of great men and women of past, clearly indicate that, circumstances have rarely favored them but they shone like stars, by dint of their strenuous perseverance. The world always stands aside for the determined souls as nothing can keep them away from reaching their target and attaining their goal. So, one should never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will bring sunshine.